Everyone should have access to affordable housing. That effort starts with you!

Gidavest partners with trusted real estate developers to make the business of real estate open to everyone in Nigeria and to make it super easy for you to buy and share ownership of high yield real estate properties within the Nigerian cities, with the smallest amount of money available to you anyday, anytime.

With gidavest, real estate investing is for everyone irrespective of your financial situation because we believe that one of your fundamental human rights is the right to buy real estate.


Get Involved

To have access to affordable housing, get involved in the solution. Our solution helps to bring more people into the business of real estate, thereby making available enough houses to go round and consequently crash or stabilize the cost of housing, while helping to build an enduring prosperity for our solution architects - You, the people that buys real estate. We serve as an agent, a facilitator, a facility manager, and a property manager for the investing public to own or CO-OWN high yield rental properties within developed and developing neighborhoods in the Nigerian cities, through our robust technology platform, ensuring transparency and ease of management. We make it easy for small income earners to invest and co-own these residential and commercial properties with any amount of money available to them per time.

There is a better way to rent and pay for an apartment in Nigeria.

Rent an apartment on Gidavest at 0% agency and legal fees. Pay your rent daily, monthly, or yearly; the choice is yours. Manage your rental, send real time report and get your maintenance problem resolved in a blink of an eye!

Find the best accommodation now

List and Manage With Ease, Collect your Rent Without a Fight!

A complete information about your tenants and the ability to verify them, automatic rent deduction from their bank account when their rent is due, a seamless communication with them via our effective communication channel; are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy with our technology, ensuring that you have an easy life as a landlord & property manager.

With Gidavest, you do not need a lawyer.